Ok, now that I've forced any single readers that I may have to go heave up their mid-morning snack, I will get to the less ooey-gooey subject of my post. I need to get fit. I would say "lose weight" there, because I need to do that too, but mostly, I don't want to lose weight so much as I don't want to DIE. Last night, I was going through my routine of painting my toenails, applying hand cream and dousing myself with body oil, and I happened to flip away from Fast Times at Ridgemont High during a commercial and I found myself face to face with this: a TV series entitled "Inside Brookehaven Obesity Clinic." Holy sweet mother of god, Jesus, all the saints and James Bond. I'm not sure why I kept watching it, but I did. Well, I guess watching is not the correct word--it was more like me sitting there with my mouth wide open, not moving, and breathing funnily. There were all these people who were bed bound because of their weight. Bedbound (which kinda sounds like a cute movie featuring a couple of dogs who are trying to find the bed their owner threw out during a cleaning marathon, but it's so, so, so not)!!! So, being as how I would never in a million years consider myself to be a fit person and, moreover, love fried foods and sugar as much as the next person AND there is a history of diabetes and chubbiness in my family, I immediately wanted to take a handful of laxatives, stick a hanger down my throat, and listen to The Carpenters while I wait on the fatness to subside.
But instead of resorting to such Lohan-esque tactics, I have decided to be a bit more sane about the whole process. A friend has offered me a 7 day trial at her gym (where they have DirectTV on the treadmills---oooooo, appealing to my lazy ass!), I have found a whole bunch of Shape magazines that were hiding under my bed beside some body butter and a three lost earrings, and I am eating lunch that I brought from home, not one of the super burritos from El Mocajete. In order to inspire myself further (which I mean, really, what more do I need after seeing someone hold up their fat rolls so their lady parts can be cleaned?), I am looking at fashionable gym wear.
Step in lululemon.com...

And if I don't, I can just wear a bed sheet as they bust out the walls to take my enlarged 700 pound frame to the doctor.
But just know, that even if that happens, and I am carried with a crane to a clinic where I will be poked, prodded, and put on The Learning Channel for all to see, I will still be wearing lipgloss, and making fun of all the nurses' clothes.
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