Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Bringing the Boys to the Yard The Sequel

I think I have established that I don't work in a very erm...formal environment. I have one coworker who coaches basketball after work and wears his basketball shoes and championship t-shirts all day. We usually don't see anyone during the day (save our own students), so I guess I can understand the desire for comfort. Hell, sometimes I give in myself. Yesterday, I sported my Gap curvy bootcuts, a J.Crew puff sleeve featherweight tee, and my William and Mary hooded sweatshirt. But most days I try to do it up right. I think this is seen as some sort of oddity amongst my coworkers--and I wonder if they have discussions about it.

Anyway, the other day when I wore my new blessed denim trousers with a pair of black peep toe pumps. My two female coworkers were commenting me on the look, and of course I was revelling in it, knowing that I looked lovely. Then they began discussing my shoes. "I don't know how you wear such high heels," one said. "I wonder about that every day." I asserted that I just could, that I had worn them so much they felt natural, and that I always make sure to buy the correct size. Then, my coworker said, "Well, I guess you keep Matt happy. Isn't that why you do it?" I smiled, but I kind of prickled at that comment. Why is it that we as women assume that because a woman looks nice, she is looking for attention from men? It seems that anytime a woman bothers to put on something that isn't stained and fits correctly, someone somewhere says "Well, who is she trying to impress?" In some ways, this is the same argument that is used against rape victims--"She was asking for it, dressed like that." Why is this something that we as women both subject each other to and put up with?

I think I have established that my husband does not always agree with my fashion choices. I think he likes it, and he does compliment me on them, but if I were dressing for Matt's sake, I would be wearing a whole lot more casual things. I dress for myself. If I want to wear heels, I wear them. If I want to wear jeans, I wear them. Why do you dress the way you do? Have you ever dressed for a man? How did that turn out?


Anonymous said...

I dress for comfort. Have to be in the same clothes the whole day so they have to be comfortable. No heels..I walk to school everyday.

But when I do wear something unusual it is for sure just for me and definitely not my husband or anybody else. I like how I feel when I look good and what others think does not really interest me.

Crafty Lulu said...

I try to dress for me. Sometimes I like to get more dressed up and sometimes I keep it casual with sweats or old jeans. There have been times when I've dressed for my boyfriend, for example wearing a shirt or sweater in a color he likes or choosing boots over regular heels, but if I won't enjoy it to some extent, I don't do it. If I dressed for my boyfriend all the time, I'd be wearing nothing but my underwear and one of his t-shirts, I'm sure!

Anonymous said...

I definitely dress for me. I work from home and you can imagine what I dress like most of the day. But when I go out I try to put on something that makes me feel good. Some 10 years ago when I lived in Tel Aviv I worked at a sporting goods company (at the office). One day I put on a nice black skirt and heels - and one of the guys asked "are you going to a wedding or something?" I said no. So he goes: "What, you just dressed like this for nothing? What, you fell off a tree?"

So living in a tiny town and wearing whatever I want is a definite advantage. *She said and decided to drive to a mall and buy Lancome PS Kiss lipstick*


Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen said...

I HATE that, I get that all the time - who am I dressing for? Who am I trying to impress? I am trying to impress MYSELF. When I like the look in the mirror, I am as pleased as a painter who admires his work, a person who finishes an oral presentation and stands a bit taller knowing he did a good job. My husband would love to see me with long beachy curls, beat up jeans and a hippie top but really, he loves me BECAUSE I look the way I am and dress the way i am. I think he on;y wishes it cost less...