That said, it should come as no surprise that I don't dabble that much in drugstore make-up. I will pick up a lipgloss now and again because I chronically lose lipglosses, but I hardly ever buy anything else. This is not necessarily because I'm a horrible, materialistic label whore of a person. Growing up, I had very, very pale skin, and just couldn't find foundation in cheap brands. Or, rather, I guess I could, but they all made me look like an Oompah Loompah. So, because she did not want to live with someone who regularly swims in chocolate rivers, my mother would take me on a monthly pilgrimage to the Prescriptives counter to buy my foundation. And the Clinique counter. And then the Lancome. What can I say? We both love make-up. I have very fond memories of visiting the Kingsport mall Proffitts with nothing but an empty afternoon spreading before us, getting free make-overs from the bored salesladies, and indulging in moisturizers and this and that. It was a treat. At age 13, I remember thinking that real rebellion was more about Maybelline Ultraliner and Great Lash Mascara than my pot smoking, Nirvana worshipping 18 year old boyfriend (a fact that I'm sure my mother sorely disagreed with).
So imagine my surprise that I have revisited the Maybelline counter, and have had some pretty damn fine results. It has actually happened on three seperate occasions, thus you're getting three product reviews tonight (rock on!). Our first product.....

Finally, we come to my newest (ok, probably not newest...I'd be embarassed to admit how many lipglosses I've bought since I bought this one) lipgloss purchase....Maybelline Shine Seduction Something or Other. I actually bought this when my mom was in town and I was at Long's getting medication for my kidney infection. TMI? Maybe. Anyway, I saw it and thought it looked like the poorer girl's version of Revlon LipGlide, a cheap thrill that I also have in my arsenal. And I bought it. In the color Pink Whisper. And here's the cool thing...it totally eradicates the one thing I dislike about Revlon Lipglide--the little white fuzzy thing at the top that the lip stuff shoots out of. You know that thing? I hate it. Why? Because when you buy it, it's all pure and white and cute, and then the lipgloss comes squirting out of the little holes in the top, and it's such a good junxtaposition between the lipgloss and the white...and then you smush it on your lips, and it is never white again. Maybelline Shine Seduction takes that problem away because your lipgloss comes shooting out of a clear plastic applicator. And that's not all...I would consider this a light lipgloss in that it is not sticky or heavy, and feels pretty natural on the lips. And the color is pretty. Pink Whisper is a "like your lips only prettier" shade that is just a bit shiny, not overwhelmingly I-just-put-on-lipgloss obvious. I like it. My only complaint is that for some reason, the smell reminds me of this anti-bug oil that my grandmother used to put on me when it was summer and we went to visit my aunt at Boone Lake. Not a good smell. I mean, it's not blatantly obvious, and it could just be me. In fact, it is most likely just me, because this afternoon when I got home from work, my lips still full of Maybelline (and probably botulism), my husband gave me a big kiss, and then commented that my lips tasted nice. Which is totally unlike him. You know how much I love lipgloss? Yeah, Matt hates it just about the same amount. Which makes for an interesting marriage, let me tell you.
So that's that. Maybelline products are good. They are not made out of horse hooves and infectious disease. You should buy some. More product reviews later, of more expensive things that make me feel like a douche for owning them.
1 comment:
I have the same blush, a reader recommended it to me like 2 years ago. I still wear it and when i do still love it.
And you know I am just as merino-obsessive as you. I haven't yet ordered that same darn purple J. Crew sweater but you KNOW I will!
Wearing merino as I write this...
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