Sunday, September 30, 2007

Show Me Your Raging Love!

A commenter has brought it to my attention that I now have 4.7 readers rather than 3.7. Awesome! Because I want to be conscious of just how mindblowingly popular I'm really getting, I have created two new ways to get in touch with me. One is a new email address where you may send all of your fashion related questions: You can also now click on the Myspace link below and go directly to my profile, where you can ask me to be your friend. Do that. I want more friends. I would also like to know if my 4.7 readers are people I might soon see on To Catch a Predator. To make it even easier, here's that link now: Morgan's profile.

Have a good day, my little truffles. I have to tutor today, but I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully) with a couple of product reviews (recent trip to MAC!) and more of the fashion stuff you've grown to love. Admit it: you love it a little. Just a little? Just an eensy weensy bit?


DanO said...

it's me :-)

Katie Gogo (Geoghegan) sent me along to read the site, and I'm hooked!

Keep it up!

Jan said...

I love you, I really do. This despite the fact that my summer uniform is saggy khaki capris, just like the one that Satan's wife wears in hell. I'm frumpy, but at least I can blame my 8-year-old. I recently was trying on an outfit downtown, and he said I looked like I was "trying to be all in style." (This he did NOT express in a tone that could be mistaken for complimentary.) Besides, he needs new shoes about 8 times a year, so there goes the clothes budget.