Sunday, September 30, 2007
Show Me Your Raging Love!
Have a good day, my little truffles. I have to tutor today, but I'll be back tomorrow (hopefully) with a couple of product reviews (recent trip to MAC!) and more of the fashion stuff you've grown to love. Admit it: you love it a little. Just a little? Just an eensy weensy bit?
Saturday, September 29, 2007
An Open Letter to Old Navy from Morgan's Ass

Thursday, September 27, 2007
A Little About Me...
1. I am a working mom, with kids aged 8 and (almost) 4. My daughter is a very active third grader who plays soccer, is on student council, and takes creative writing classes. My son is...a typical four year old boy. He makes a mess just about everywhere he goes, he is constantly on the go, and has the ability to stay up for incredibly long hours before finally conking out in a pool of blankets and sweat. Did I mention how much this kid eats? No? It's uncanny. I work for a small company that does test prep (SAT, ACT, SAT II's, etc.); I work in the office during the days and teach one on one lessons at night. I generally start work at 9:00 after dropping the kids off, and have lessons until 7:00 (unless, of course, it's tonight when I'll be going until 10:30! Lord, I can't wait until the October 6 SAT!). I am a very busy girl, but I like being like that--I don't think I would change it if I could. Because of this rather harried lifestyle, I hardly ever go shopping "in person" unless I'm heading to GapKids or Old Navy or something. Most, if not all, of my shopping is done online. I am lucky in that I know what size I am, and am pretty good about returning things if they don't fit the way I like.
2. I am not small. I am between a 12 and 14 (probably more towards the 14 side), depending on where I shop. That said, I don't despise my body. In fact, I think I'm pretty sexy about 80% of the time. My body is what it is. Yeah, I'd probably like to be smaller, but I'm not, so I don't care. I love to cook and eat a range of yummy foods, and I wouldn't change that for anything. My son and I share quality time baking together, so in my eyes, the extra pounds are well worth it. I do work out mostly every morning, and feel like I am in pretty good shape for my size and age. (My work outs are all strippercise and from The S Factor by Sheila Kelly-- I would recommend this to anyone. My husband recently bought me a pole, and let me tell you, nothing works your upper arm wobblies like pole work!). Anytime I talk about clothing that I like or have bought, you should imagine it on my body--a real woman's body.
3. I do not have a ton of money. Yes, I work hard, and make good money for what I do. But I live in the Bay Area, and honey, it ain't cheap. Plus, I did mention how much my son eats.... I do not spend a lot of money on clothes--in fact, I probably spend less than a lot of women I know. I scope out sales, I use hella coupon codes, and yes, I do focus on quality rather than on quantity. No, that doesn't mean that I'll drop $800 on heels because I think they are good quality. To me, quality can come from lots of places, but it's all in the texture, the stitching, the way a garment hangs. I have bought quality items at Target, and I have bought quality items at Nordstrom. I buy very few trends, and I research items before I buy them to make sure I'm getting what I want. That's not to say that I'm a perfect shopping robot--I do make some big mistakes. Case number 1: the frilly front shirt I bought (on sale) from J.Crew last year. I put it on, and my husband said "Oh, so are we dressing as our favorite Seinfeld episodes today? Because I have that "Master of My Domain" shirt." Seriously. But overall, I do quite well for what I have.
All that is part of the reason I write this blog. I am tired of looking at fashion magazines and feeling like shit because I'm chubby and don't have $400 sitting around that I can spend on a scarf. I like reading other blogs (like the ones on the side of this page) that are about women who are in similar predicaments and who are, above all, real. I want to live in a world where fashion is fun for everyone, not just a select few who have spent the last year smoking a cigarette for lunch and squeezing the buttons shut on a Rachel Roy dress.
Further, another reason I write this blog is because I believe that we can all do better with ourselves, myself included. Sometimes, before I buy something, I think about this blog and what my 3.7 readers would have to say about me buying another black long-sleeved t-shirt. Boring, they would say. For God's sake, Morgan, they would yell, eyes rolling. I want my readers to have that voice inside their head too. Maybe it could voice (if it is my voice, make sure it has a drawl...I have a decidedly Southern twang). Maybe when you get up in the morning, and reach for those misshapen khakis, you could say to yourself, "Wow... I could really feel better about myself today if I took the 3.2 extra seconds and put on a skirt." And maybe it could be because you read this blog. I don't know. Like I said, I'm not perfect, I'm not even a good fashion role model. But I do think that we all deserve, no matter what size we are, no matter how much money we have in the bank (or don't have, in my case--thank god for payday tomorrow) to participate in fashion and let ourselves look as good as possible. Really, there's no good excuse for not looking your best. And I hope that if I do anything with this blog (other than waste my own time), it's to get you to think about that.
I was tagged!
Four Jobs I Have Had In My Life
1. barrista at Joe Muggs inside of Books A Million
2. wedding photography assistant
3. server/hostess at a whole bunch of places (and sometimes, strangely enough, I wish I could do it again)
4. jewelry associate at J.C. Penney's (can't hate on the JCP)
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over and Over
1. Manhattan
2. Annie Hall
3. Office Space
4. Ghost World
Four TV Shows I Like to Watch
1. America's Next Top Model (guilty pleasure!--me too, Allie. Love Tyra and all those crazy bitches!)
2. Prison Break
3. The Office
4. Grey's Anatomy
Four Places I Have Vacationed
1. Carolina Beach, NC (this has to be first because this is where I spent every summer vacation from my birth until I went to college)
2. New York, NY (the first family vacation Matt and I ever took our kids on--damn did we have some good food!)
3. Lake Tahoe
4. this great country of ours! (Matt and I have spent a couple of vacay's driving across country--by far on of the most fun things I have ever done.)
Four Of My Favorite Dishes
1. BBQ ribs with baked beans and potato salad (to me, this comes all together--can't have one without the others)
2. my mom's Chinese meal--Chinese chicken nuggets, stir-fry, homemade egg rolls, fried rice...YUM!
3. the bento box at Suzhou (I recently got my daughter hooked on sushi, so we're eating at Suzhou quite frequently lately...this is what I always get, and I always love it).
4. my roasted chicken with all the fixings, both because I like to eat and because I love to make it
Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. Gmail
2. Facebook
3. My Wardrobe Today
4. Television Without Pity
Four Places I Would Rather be
1. at home, in my bed with the hubster
2. Stinson Beach so I could finally finish my book
3. Paris
4. shopping with friends
Four Bloggers I am Tagging:
1. Mara at A Photo A Day
3. Emily at EmilyStyle
4. Meg at Faking Good Breeding
Saturday, September 22, 2007
PG&E Can Suck It, and More About Fall
I love this jacket. Do you know what I would do for this jacket? Lots of things. Lots of bad, bad things. Imagine how cute this jacket would be with a brightly colored tee and creased denim? Love it, love it.

I don't need wool trousers. My job and life station are such that I can wear jeans everyday, and don't really need to do anything else. But these just say "Fall" to me. And I want them. Bad.

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Fashion Memories--8th Grade Style
So, without further adieu, I give you my favorite outfit as a 14 year old, and yes, the one I met my future husband in:
I call it Gothic Preppy Hillbilly with a Dream.
I guess I should explain. My dream as a kid was to be an actress. In New York. Or really anyway that wasn't southwest VA. I thought I looked the part, and by "looked the part" looked appropriately sullen and dangerous. Especially when I wore this ensemble:
Coral pique polo from the Gap that I literally stole out of my stepsister's closet. Seriously. I hated her at the time (I actually hated most people, come to think of it. Except for Billy Joe Armstrong. My future husband.). So I went over to my Dad's one Sunday when she wasn't home, and helped myself to a few polos and a few choice other items (more about that in a bit). So anyway, there was this polo. It was a size large. I was decidedly not large.
I wore this TUCKED IN and BLOUSED OUT into a pair of khaki JNCO pants. These things were skin tight at the top (I actually tucked the shirt into my underwear, which were velvet and from the clearance bins at Victoria's Secret--shoplifted those too) and flared out to a HUGE leg. I could seriously fit my waist into it, and did this as some kind of parlor trick (did I mention that I was slutty too?). I made my mom buy them for me at the Gadzooks in the West Towne Mall in Knoxville. I shopped there because I thought I was badass for getting my mom to drive me three hours to a mall. My mom didn't think I was badass. She thought I'd end up in military school, probably after committing a few misdemeanors.
With this, I wore a pair of Dr. Marten sandals that weighed in at about 2 lbs. each. I know this because my dad weighed them one Sunday in the middle of a Nascar race, and then proceeded to laugh it up with his buddies about my "clodhoppers." And you wonder why I was shoplifting and slutty....whatever. They were brown and made of braided leather. Hot.
Now to make up and hair. Despite my decidedly "New York actress" look, I couldn't get away from the Southern "big hair" thing. I hot rolled my hair every morning into sausage curls. Then I would flip my hair over, shove an accordian band into it while upside down, and then flip my head back up real fast so that everything flew back into a volumized torrent of fuzz and fluff. I would then coat it in half a can of LA Looks aerosol spray. I seriously wore a rats nest for about two years and considered it a style. God bless the South.
As for make-up, this was nothing too bad. My favorite lip gloss was Clinique Black Honey, and this was something my mother actually approved of. I also wore Urban Decay blue nail polish. I kept my nails painted with dark polish for so long that they got deprived of oxygen and turned yellow. Didn't know that can happen? Now you do.
As for jewelry, this was all stolen from my stepsister too. My favorite thing was a sterling silver dolphin ring that looked like it was literally wrapped around my finger. It was too tight, so when I took it off at night it left a red mark shaped like dolphin on my finger. I suffered for my art.
And this is the look that made my husband look at me one day at a PACE match and say, "I'm going to marry that girl." Actually, I think what he said was more like, "Dude, that chick has a nice rack." Because I did. And I still do. Some things, unlike bad fashion choices, never change.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Just Another Blogger Writing About Britney

Now, I'll be the first to agree that Britney's outfit was a bit...unforgiving. However, Britney has never been a bastion of class. This is the same girl who writhed around in a chiffon bikini with a snake around her neck. Not exactly Jackie O. So, really, nothing's changed. If you thought she was slutty before she had two children, well, newsflash, folks...she still is. However, if you thought she was hot before she had two children, here's the thing: she still is. I'll admit here for the first time ever: I would give my two eye teeth to look like her. Britney is just hot in a different way now: hot in a decidedly un-17-year-old, grown-up, I-just-had-two-kids-but-I-still-work-out-a-lot-and-have-genes-you-peons-only-dream-about way.
Normally, this kind of thing would not spur me to be angry and write long blog posts in which I defend people who really don't deserve my defense, but tonight I went to a Pizza in the Park event at my daughter's school. This is a yearly event where every kid brings their parents to the park where we sit like some kind of bizarre show and tell and watch our children play. It's excruciating. Perhaps because I am a good 10 years younger than most of the parents there (in some cases, it's more like 20-25), perhaps because I'm very set in my ways as far as how I like to look, work, and raise my children, whatever the reason, I very nearly despise having to sit on a cold blanket in the park, eating greasy pizza and trying to make conversation with some PTA denizen who just spent the workday ironing her son's name into the collar of his polo shirt. Perhaps that sounds cruel, but seriously people, you haven't spent any time with the parents at my daughter's school. Ick. Anyway, tonight, however, I took a good look at the women around me. I was one of the very few working mother's in attendance (we live in a very WASP-y, domestic neighborhood--especially for Norcal). I was also one of the few who had brushed her hair in the last week. Women sat around me wearing misshapen khaki capris (the piece of clothing I'm sure Satan's wife wears in Hell), sweatpants, and Keds (and not the kind you see Mischa Barton modeling--the white canvas ones that God forgot). Normally I would come home and make snide comments about these women to my husband whilst thumbing through Glamour, secretly wishing I had their kind of time, their lack of worries. Tonight, I'm just not in the mood.
And mostly because of Britney. I sat there looking at those women, thinking that their husbands were maybe still in the city, screwing the secretary, and wishing that they didn't have to come home to their white bread life of khaki capris and minivans. Maybe their husbands want someone sexier to return home to. Maybe these wives want to be sexy too, to go to the mall and buy something that fits and model it while feeding their children transfats and throwing caution to the wind. But why would they? Someone who is thinner than them, younger than them, richer than them was on TV last night in a sexy get-up, and everyone calls her fat now. Why would they (why would any of us) want to suffer a similar fate? Through Britney, our society has reminded all the mothers, all the girls, all of us that we're never really going to be good enough. No matter how rich you are, no matter how much weight you lose, no matter how many bags of Cheetos you eschew for rice cakes--you may still be that girl, teetering in her high heels, looking for love and getting a facefull of fat jokes in return.
That sucks. I have no solution to offer, no witty life lesson to share. Our society is telling women horrible things about our bodies, about ourselves, about our fellow women. And it sucks. I hope you think it sucks too.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Cheap Thrills

Monday, September 3, 2007
How to Cure a Hangover in ___ Easy Steps
Or rather, I was feeling gross until I enacted my awesome hangover cure that I am going to write about here, and that will almost certainly make me a millionaire before nightfall! Below are the steps I used to make myself feel like a functioning member of society.
1. If you are hungover, endeavor to get up before everyone else in your family so that you can prepare yourself and look sorta alive before they get up. It's for the children, you see. This is relatively easy for me, as Matt and I are raising a couple of vampires whose skin sizzles if they manage to get out of bed before 10:30. My son, Sam, is especially prone to this. If you get up before everyone else does, you have the house to yourself for a little while, and you can operate with the blessed silence that so eludes a mother of two. Plus, the first thing you hear in the morning doesn't have to be "Why does Mommy smell like feet?" and the first thing you smell doesn't have to be urine soaked pajama cotton.
2. Get yourself to the bathroom. You stink, and your hair looks like shit. Congratulations. You now know what Kevin Federline woke up to for two years. Don't you think he should get a bit more money for his time and suffering? Run a bath, and put in two capfuls of Boots Mediterranean Bergamot Orange & Olive Bath Cream (I thought this would be a great spot for a link or a picture, but Target doesn't sell this online. It's now time for me to write my Congressman about this injustice). This stuff is awesome. First off, it smells really nice, but in a fresh, herby way, not a way that is going to make you revisit the mounds of carne asada you had the night before. It also makes bubbles. Bubbles make you clean. Even if your entire body is covered in cocaine and feces, and you look like a teenage prostitute from an old episode of Law and Order, this will make you clean. You will emerge smelling fresh, and this uplifts your mood. So instead of wishing that the entire Hogan family would be wiped out in a catastrophic, Miami bound tsunami, you will only consider them mildly annoying. See how that works?
3. Prepare two important items: a cold, wet wash cloth for your head, and a stack of magazines. The wash cloth helps with the ensuing headache, plus, if you're like me and run your bath water at near boiling temperatures, it will cool you down. For magazines, I like Real Simple because it is wholesome and the pictures are pretty. It kind of eases me back into my nice, debauchery free life. However, if you're still feeling a bit dirty, you have to have Cosmo. And you know you have an old copy somewhere. Everyone does.
4. Get in the tub, and soak until you get pruney. Watch the nastiness go down the drain. Stay where you are. If worse comes to worst and you have to puke, you're closer to the toilet in the bath than you are anywhere else.
5. Get out and dry off. Coat yourself in some kind of body butter. Again, this is just about bringing yourself back to life. Try to pick one that is the opposite of whatever you drank the night before. For example, since I drank about half of Lisa's pitcher of white wine sangria, a fruity, light beverage, I coated myself in The Body Shop's Coconut Body Butter, a rich, softening cream. This distanced me from my night-time activities, and made me smell good.
6. Put on something comfortable and wholesome looking. You'll feel better if no one is asking you about the night before. Put that out of their minds. I am wearing yoga pants with a white lace trimmed Banana Republic t-shirt. It's so sweet! I could be Little Bo Peep who lost her sheep while drinking with the boy shepherds!
Ok, that's all I can think of, and that's all I've actually done today. I still feel a bit crappy, but it could be worse. I could look like Linda Hogan. No matter how drunk I am, that woman just gets uglier and uglier.
And if you were at the party last night and managed to make it here after Lisa drunkenly advised everyone to go to "Morgan's blog called Cult of the Black Hole," congratulations. You're obviously very dedicated to reading crap. Also, you have too much time on your hands. Want to come over here and clean my living room? It's nasty, and I've got some Guitar Hero to deal with.
Finally, thanks to Allie at My Wardrobe Today (if that link doesn't work, just try to overlook it. I'm hungover. Don't judge.) who linked me to her wonderful site. I get a ton of inspiration from Allie, so to be linked there is a huge honor. When I read her comment this morning, I seriously got all choked up. Again, I'm hungover. Don't judge.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
A Product Review a Day Keeps the Ugliness Away

If you only knew how bad I have been lately, you would probably ask me to seek professional help. I have bought a PILE of make-up lately. A PILE. I'm not really sure why--I'm going to blame it on the marketing folks who shove "Back to School Shopping" down our throats--but for some reason, I have just wanted new make-up lately. So I've gotten it. A lot of it. That means that in order to justify my purchases (journalistic integrity! a desire to inform the uninformed!), I'm going to be on here a lot talking about the things I've bought. So expect it, my little mini quiches! Nothing but the best for my 3.5 readers!
Today I'm talking about "That Gal" Brightening Face Primer, which was actually the first thing I bought a couple of weeks ago. I bought That Gal after my mom came out to visit, and showed me how awesome it is. She had bought some, and found that it made her "mature" skin (her word, not mine--when I think mature skin, I think of skin that is now allowed to watch NC-17 movies) look better both while wearing make-up and not wearing it. When I first tried hers, I wasn't sure that I thought it was that great, but she kept commenting me on my skin, so I assumed it must look nice. But I think they put meth in this stuff or something, because it is rather addictive (and it made my teeth fall out!--just kidding). After trying it that one day, I took my time layering it on the next, and notice that even without a veil of Bare Minerals, my skin looked nice. Kind of bright, and well, young. I decided to go without make-up that day, and while I ordinarily go next to nowhere without make-up, I looked nice that day. So I ordered my own tube.
Now, ordering from Benefit is absolutely awesome. First off, their packaging is so cute and cheeky that I love leaving the products out on my vanity for all to admire (and by "all", I mean "Matt"). Their website is just that cute. Plus, when you sign up for their email alerts, you get all of these cute emails that start of with a greeting of "Hello Gorgeous!" or something equally as cute. Now, I know I'm gullible and totally taken with this stuff, but you try to tell me that getting an email with "Hello Gorgeous!" written on the top on a Monday morning when you're dealing with wealthy, overindulged parents and their catatonic offspring is not a little awesome/uplifting. Finally, when Benefit gives promotions, they give PROMOTIONS. This month in Lucky (yes, I read Lucky. Shut up.), there was a coupon for them and if you ordered anything, you got a free Bluff Dust (review pending). Full size. Free. I got a bottle of High Beam this way, so I was on this crap. I ordered my That Gal, and prepared for gorgeousness.
And, I can't complain. It does give your skin a nice, youthful glow, and despite the fact that the stuff is pink (like Calamine lotion) it does not make your face look red or gross or anything. I have been wearing it sans make-up, as it has been hot here, and I can't imagine putting on another layer of anything, even Bare Minerals, but when I have worn it with make-up, I've noticed that it does keep your make-up around longer.
My only complaint is the way it is packaged. It's in this twist-up tube, like some sort of cosmetic push up. You roll the bottom wheel, and a little bit of lotion pops up at the top. You wipe it off the top, and then slather it on. That's all fine, but being the dumb ass that I am, I totally roll it the wrong way everytime. And then it goes down even farther in the tube, which means I have to roll it the right way for a hella long time to get the product back up. That's kind of blow-y.
But all in all, this stuff rocks. I actually like it better than Smashbox Primer, which admittedly, I've only used 4-5 times (when I've gotten it as a free sample from Sephora). This stuff is good, even without make-up, and I never noticed that with the Smashbox (which again, may relate to my not using it that much). I'm also very partial to Benefit cosmetics, so that probably plays into it too.
Ok, this is the first of many, so prepare yourself. It's a Cosmetics-apalooza at the Cult!