As many of you know, I am a relatively recent arrival to California. And although I was drawn to this place like a moth to the flame in many ways and decided I wanted to move here the very second I laid eyes on the area outside of the San Francisco airport (if you ever want to hear a good California story, allow me to tell you about the first time I came here, which is another story for another time), I still have my share of...disagreements with California. First off, there's no parking, and if you grew up in VA where one can park anywhere they damn well please, you too would find this oppressive. Second off, it's a tad granola-crunchy for my taste. In VA, I was probably the most liberal person that anyone had met, however, in California I find myself leaning more toward the moderate side of things (mostly on fiscal matters, and this has more to do with seeing how much money comes out of my check than anything). But whatever. I have a harder time working myself up into a liberal fury over things than most of my fellow Californians. Mostly it's because I'm a selfish bitch. I am the Addison Shepherd to California's collective Meredith Grey. I'll admit that, and I relish in it (seriously, who doesn't want, at least deep down to be Addison?). And it's also because I love several things more than I probably should, these of course being pork products, shoes with heels, throwing stuff away (this is probably my biggest vice--I actually get a thrill out of throwing away things) and clothing not made out of hemp.
But California is slowly worming its way into my heart despite my best efforts. Not enough of course to change my diet (seriously, have we ever discussed my love for all manner of pig products?) or switch to organic beauty products or change my gas consumption habits (mostly because I can't afford a new car). Perhaps that's why I find these reusable lunch containers so damn cute:

Isn't that the cutest thing? It's a lunch...clutch! I heart it. It's $16.95, which is a small price to pay when you consider how much money you'd save not buying lunch every day, which I do, and then regret. What better way to save the world and your money than by refusing to bring a dowdy lunch bag?
Here's the link for it so you can buy one for yourself. And the best part? You carry it, and it doesn't say "I brought my lunch. Wanna share a lentil?" This bag says, "I brought my lunch, bitch. And it's better than yours. Now, get your malnourished hands off my husband. Learn to use a makeup brush, Squinty McGee." See? Instant Addison.
And no enviro friendly Californian is worth her compost without a great bag to take to the farmer's market on Saturday morning. That's why I'm totally dumping my Trader Joe's canvas for one of these beauties which comes from a company called "Envirosax." Never re

ally thought I'd buy something from a company whose name sounds so crunchy-porn like, but well, here it is.
Here's the link for that one too. You know what this bag says? It says, "I write a third rate fashion blog, and I'm cuter than you. Now give me my rhubarb." It's also made of hemp, which I worked hard not to use against it. Actually, I would even be fine toting this bag around with my kids to the park or the beach. It's cute enough for that. And the best part? It's only $6.50.
So see--it is possible to be fabulous while being a friend to the environment. As with everything, though, moderation is the key. Being "green" is really in right now, but you know what's always in? Having fun and not freaking out about crap you can't control. Live your life. You're hotter that way. And for God's sake, if you're going to eat a cookie, don't eat the vegan one. I mean that literally and metaphorically.
1 comment:
The Envirosax graphic series, flora, momochrome and amazonia are all made from polyester not hemp. To make an extremely strong, durable, colourful reusable bag, which will last for years we have had to resort to the strongest plastic polymer, polyester. The organic series on our web site are made from hemp, but are a little more expensive and are not waterproof. Polyester is better than nylon because it does not absorb water and will hold its colour for longer and not fade. Before the end of the year Envirosax will be releasing a range of bags made from natural fibres.
Thanks for the blog
Kind regards
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