Ok, so I'm about 6 months late discussing the Ipex bra from Victoria's Secret. Sorry. I seemed to remember that I promised in the last post that I would never post anything that new. I guess I am just living up to my low expectations...he he.
First off, before I discuss the bra, I'll tell you that I am a coupon maven. If you give me a coupon for anything, I'll probably use it. Free goat with a tank of gas? I'm there. Buy one pair of Zooba pants, get the next half off? Sure. I'm serious. It's very nearly debilitating. It has gotten to the point that when I am low on cash, I cannot check my email, as I know it will be laden with coupons for free shipping, 10% off--- all those little things that companies throw out to snare suckers like me. I'm even aware that I'm an idiot for doing it, but I do it anyway. I'm horrible.
So, it should come as no surprise that when I received a coupon card in the mail for Victoria's Secret, I immediately planned a day out to use it. In my defense, I also had a coupon card for Ann Taylor Loft, and a gift card to Bath and Body Works so it was a kind of all day coupon extravaganza. But whatever. I noticed that the coupon was for $10 off an Ipex bra and some free panties. To be quite frank, I didn't even really care what it was for--I just wanted to get my cheaper lingerie. And I'm not even a huge VS fan. I rarely go in there, mostly opting for Macy's or Frederick's for my lingerie purchases. I get one pair of pajamas a year from them for Christmas from my husband, but that's really about it.
Nevertheless, after receiving a pedicure and scoring a fabu trench coat at H&M, I marched down to Victoria's Secret. When I got there, I remembered just how dumb I had found the Ipex commercials to be back when the bra was invented or patented or sprung from it's father's head full grown. Technological bras? Patents? When I heard that, I immediately thought, "Does it beep?" And then there's the price--the sucker is $48. And yes, I know that in the whole scheme of bra-buying, it's not quite Wacoal level. But $48. From Victoria's Secret. For a bra. It just smelled of hype. I totally wasn't feeling it at all, and even made a few jokes about it. But this all faded as I stood there holding the thing. It didn't look too harmful. And it would be just $38 with my coupon. And my Frederick's embroidered creation was a bit itchy--I brought the sucker home.
And now, I can say, I LOVE THAT FREAKIN' BRA. For those of you who don't know me personally, you should know that I have some big ole knockers. And this bra is perfect for that. It is both demure in that it holds me in and sexy in that it gives me just the right perkiness and shape. I love it. I have worn it to the park with my kids and husband where we ran races and went down slides and particpated and all manner of ruckus, and the ta-ta's were kept securely and comfortably. I wore it to A's opening night last night where I jumped, and yelled, and acted like a redneck for hours. Comfortable and perfect. The girls were perky and happy upon our return home, despite a crushing opening loss to the White Sox.
So, if you have boobs and like to treat them well, buy an Ipex. It's a good bra, despite the price. And if you're really interested after reading this, let me know, and I will email you a coupon they sent me. Lord knows I shouldn't be using the damn things any more!
P.S. Don't you just kinda hate me for posting a picture of Gisele Bundchen up there? Probably not the best way to get erudite female readers, huh?
I want a coupon! I need something to hold up these desperate nursing boobs that will be empty of all umph by the time that suckling baby can suckle no more!
Send it to me please!
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